Re: FVWM: AutoRaise

From: Jose M. Pereira <>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 95 19:16:48 +0100


"MS" == Mark Scott <> writes:

  MS> I use the AutoRaise feature of FVWM (with a time delay of course....) &
  MS> have noticed that very, very often when using Motif applications, if I'm
  MS> not very deliberate when dragging down an application pulldown menu,
  MS> FVWM often raises the application main window "in front" of the pulldown
  MS> menu. The FVWM pull down menus are always fine. I'm not being

If you look at the code of FvwmAuto (which works the same way as the AutoRaise
feature of 1.24), this is what is expected, I'm afraid. "very deliberate when
dragging", in more technical terms, means "change focus to the menu before the
autoraise timeout expires".

A change to FvwmAuto I still have to test is to reset the autoraise timer
whenever a new window is created (that is, FvwmAuto must spy AddWindow

Meanwhile, you can try this:

- - Put the mouse on the application window containing the menus;
- - Wait that window is raised
- - pull down any menus you like, waiting for the timeout between them!

You may also play w/ the timeout value to find the best value for you.

I'm currently working on a better Autoraise module, to allow for window and
class specific autoraise. Wishes and suggestions welcome!

- --
Jose' Pereira
             INESC (Inst. Eng. Sistemas e Computadores)
             R. Alves Redol 9, 6. 1000 Lisboa, PORTUGAL.
             Phone.: +351 1 3100223 Fax...: +351 1 525843
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