FVWM: AutoRaise & Motif Menus

From: Mark Scott <mscott_at_quaver.urbana.mcd.mot.com>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 14:36:49 +0000 (CDT)

I use the AutoRaise feature of FVWM (with a time delay of course....) & have
noticed that very, very often when using Motif applications, if I'm not very
deliberate when dragging down an application pulldown menu, FVWM often raises
the application main window "in front" of the pulldown menu. The FVWM pull down
menus are always fine. I'm not being two-thumbed when I do this operation
and since I haven't let go of the menu yet, I don't understand why the
main window is getting focus for the autoraise. I'm running FVWM 2.24 using
the FvwmAuto module, but I've also seen this behavior back in the 1.24 days
when autoraise was builtin. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

| Mark Scott | |
| Motorola Computer Group | There's no better place on earth, |
| mscott_at_urbana.mcd.mot.com | than the road that leads to heaven. |
| Ph# (217) 384-8536 | |
| http://www.prairienet.org/~mscott | Steven Curtis Chapman |
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Received on Thu Oct 12 1995 - 14:32:44 BST

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