Re: FVWM: New to fvwm2...where did this go?

From: Martin Kraemer <>
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 1995 10:18:44 +0100 (MET)


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I suppose SkipMapping/ShowMapping feature is:
        But if window 'X' is specified as 'SkipMapping', fvwm does not
        change desktop (i.e., still shows 'desktop 0'), but window 'X'
        appears to 'desktop 1' (of course it doesn't see to display).

Wow! it's an interesting feature. Anyone implements ? Specification is
clearly defined :-)
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It's there today! And it works! I use this feature to start Mosaic (which on
my machine loads _very_ slowly) on desk 2. I don't want fvwm to switch to
desk 2, though, because I can see on the pager when Mosaic has finally
loaded. I use the same feature to start Elm on desk 1 at startup (without
having to say "Wait Elm"

I specified this behavior it like this:

Style "Mosaic" Icon Mosaic.xpm, StartsOnDesk 2, SkipMapping
Style "Mail:*" Icon makeenvelope.xpm, StartsOnDesk 1, SkipMapping

AddToFunc InitFunction "I" Module FvwmButtons
+ "I" Module FvwmPager 0 2
+ "I" Exec /usr/bin/X11/xterm -name Elm -geometry 100x50+350+280 -T Mail:USER{_at_}CLIENTHOST -e elm &
+ "I" Exec /usr/bin/X11/x97801 -cr grey60 -name tcsh -geometry +180+150 -sb -e tcsh -l &

and it works in pl30...pl35, at least.

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  (My opinions only, of course; pgp key available on request)
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Received on Fri Oct 06 1995 - 04:15:19 BST

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