FVWM: Bug in fvwm 2.0-pl36 (Resent)

From: Olivier DUGEON - FT.CNET/LAA/RSL/ATM <dugeon_at_lannion.cnet.fr>
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 1995 09:45:28 +0100

Apologies for this resent but i have trouble with my email

This the original message:

Hi fvwm user's

I just compile fvwm-2.0-pl36 on my SS20-Solaris 2.4. Is there a bug in fvwm or
module? When i start a module all work fine, but when the module finish it's
job (FvwmBanner, FvwmIdentify .....) fvwm crash with the message:

FVWM has been killed by a signal 11.
X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
  Major opcode of failed request: 25 (X_SendEvent)
  Resource id in failed request: 0x2800003
  Serial number of failed request: 878
  Current serial number in output stream: 879

I read the file BUGS in the distribution, however if you kill (i.e
FvwmIdentify) with the close window menu, the module close correctly, but when
you click in the root window to display the menu, fvwm crash in the same manner
(got signel 11).

What's happen???

I would just add 3 remark's about the new distribution.

1/ Add depend in the lib directory for 'make depend' work corectly.

2/ Add FVWM_MAN_DIR in the Imakefile of all modules and xpmroot for 'make
install.man' with FVWM_MAN_DIR MANDIR=/usr/local/man/mann work corectly.

3/ And finaly add a switch in the Imakefile to choose between /bin/sh or
/bin/csh in the file 'builtin.c' for the execvl function. This is to make fvwm
launch application with /bin/csh rather than /bin/sh

All other work's fine to me


                                   ( O-O )
 Dugeon olivier                     X-400:    G=Olivier; S=Dugeon; OU=LANNION
 FT-CNET LAA/RSL/ATM                          P=CNET; A=ATLAS; C=FR;
 Technopole Anticipa                E-mail:   dugeon_at_lannion.cnet.fr
 2, Avenue Pierre Marzin            Phone:    +(33) 96 05 28 80
 F-22307 LANNION                    Fax       +(33) 96 05 11 98
 FRANCE                             Telex:    740801F
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Received on Fri Oct 06 1995 - 03:43:00 BST

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