Re: gnome-panel (Re: FVWM: taskbar size)

From: Thomas Adam <>
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 10:41:12 +0100 (BST)

 --- Gert Brinkmann <> wrote: > Frank Ehmsen wrote:
> > *FvwmButtonsTaskbr: Geometry 1152x29+0-0
> > Be carefull with the "\", and set the "Geometry" and "Columns"-Options
> > to your needs.
> Is there a way to make this solution adjust automatically? (e.g. 100% in

> width)?

You could use something like:

$[w.x] $[w.y] $[w.width] $[w.height]

to set the geomtry, by using a Complex Function and "PipeRead" so that the
underlying shell (probably Bash) can perform some arithemtic, if need be.

> I did play around with FVWMButtons once and I think it is much to
> complicated to make it a replacement for FvwmTaskbar (IMHO). There
> should be a more simple way of placing and sizing the content of it.
> (Ok, maybe there is, but I did not find out.)

It's not so much complicated as it is that the documentation is extremely
heavy going. The developers should not take that as an insult, but rather
as a constructive critiscism, since it would help greatly with our
understanding if some examples could be provided.

Also, I never really understood why "man fvwm" was never split up into
smaller man pages.

> How I would like to configure it (Pseudocode):
> Set Rows: 1
> Add a Menu at the left
> Swallow FvwmPager (which automatically should take so much space as it
> requires)
> Swallow FvwmIconMan (which takes all the space that is not used by other
> Butttons)
> Swallow xload, a net-load-tool and a clock at the right.
> Ok, I think most users will install a ready to use panel like the
> gnome-panel that can be configured by dragNdrop. Does work the cvs
> version of Fvwm with gnome2 nowadays? I think there have been some
> problems with it recently, isn't it?

Using Fvwm-2.5.7 causes no problems, since that has native EWMH support
already built, Gnome2 works fine with fvwm, as long as you
configure it to suit your needs.

> I have read that someone did let the gnome-panel swallow FvwmPager. Is
> this really possible? That would be great. Or can the gnome-Pager
> control the Fvwm-Pages of one (or maybe multiple) desktops?

Hmm, I think that *might* be possible, I am not sure.


-- Thomas Adam

Thomas Adam

"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" --

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