Re: FVWM: CirculateSkip Problem

From: Uwe Pross <>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 13:50:20 +0200

Hi there,

On 08 Sep 2003 at 14:26:08 +0300, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:

> > So if a window is set to be "CirculateSkip" how can the
> > condition "!CirculateHit" execlude this window.
> Condition CirculateHit (the default for All) means do not
> consider the CirculateSkip style option. Respectively,
> "!CirculateHit" means consider.
> The name of the condition CirculateHit is highly
> unfortunate. It should be something like
> IgnoreCirculateSkipStyleOption.

That explains it. Twice the same name for quite different
things caused my confusing.

Logically CirculateHit (or !CirculateSkip) condition would
match all windows which do not have the CirculateSkip style.
So !CirculateHit (or CirculateSkip) condition would match
all windows which do have the CirculateSkip style applied. A
third condition say IgnoreCirculateSkipStyleOption would
match both styles.

> I hope the above explanation helps to distinguish between
> CirculateHit condition (bad name) and CirculateHit style
> option.

It does. I hope this confusion will be fixed in some of the
next versions or well explained in the man page ;-)

Thanks for the explanation.

Cheers, Uwe
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