Re: FVWM: trouble with Iconification...

From: King V <>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 13:39:04 -0400

At 08:20 AM 08/11/2003 +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
>On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 03:45:50PM -0400, King V wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have a question regarding the updated FVWM2 package, and behavior of
>> iconification.
>> Up until today, I was using FVWM 2.4.9 (package
>> fvwm2-2.4.9-1mdk.i586.rpm), and had things pretty much working as I liked
>> them, with my system.fvwm2rc set how I wanted.
>> I today upgraded to 2.4.14 package fvwm2-2.4.14-1mdk.i586.rpm).
>> However, when using the EXACT SAME system.fvwm2rc file, when I would
>> iconify the windows, they would just completely vanish.
>This bug has already been fixed. Use fvwm-2.4.16.

Ok, thanks for the info!

Sort of wandering off-topic.... but thus far the reason I was using 2.4.14
was because that was the latest Mandrake i586 rpm version I could find
(yes, I know, I'm very lazy when it comes to dealing with installing

Does anyone know if installing the Red-Hat 2.4.16, which is an i386
compile, or if using the Mandrake Cooker 2.4.16, is safe? I've never quite
understood what the difference between a Mandrake and a Mandrake Cooker
version of software is.

Thanks in advance...

        - Joe Vahabzadeh

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