FVWM: How do you "shutdown" to power down the computer?

From: jon kersten <jonk_at_tampabay.rr.com>
Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 02:10:29 +0100

I just installed Red Hat 5.2. Logged on to root. typed xdm, got the log in
screen. Logged in as root again. I now can not seem to shut down the
computer. ctrlaltdel doesn't work. Shutdown -h now in the term window
doesn't seem to work, it just goes back to the xwindow log in screen. Is it
safe to power down at this point? I have FVWM2 window manager.
Thanks in advance, I have searched all 1020 pages of the SAMS book Red Hat
Linux Unleashed and 861 pages of QUE's Using Unix.
Jon Kersten

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Received on Fri Aug 08 2003 - 20:14:25 BST

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