FVWM: FvwmTaskbar changes button order on page change

From: Gert Brinkmann <g111_at_netcologne.de>
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 23:27:34 +0200


when I start fvwm (the current CVS version) and open FvwmTaskbar, 3
rxvts and mozilla with 1 browser and 1 mail window the order of the
windows in the FvwmTaskbar is:

  rxvt, rxvt, rxvt, mozbrowser, mozmailer

when I leave this desktoppage and return back (by EdgeSwitching by
mouse) the order of the windows changes to

  mozmailer, mozbrowser, rxvt, rxvt, rxvt

When I repeat the page change the order keeps the same in most cases,
but not always. It seems to be a little random like? Maybe it has to do
with the order of the last focused windows?

Is this ok, or is it a bug?

Oh, btw: In the current version of fvwm FvwmTaskbar is very very slow.
When switching to another (empty) page it takes about 2 seconds until
all listed windows are hidden in the FvwmTaskbar. When I return to the
page with some windows on, I can watch each single window
(represantation) pop up in the Fvwm. I think, this is not normal.



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