Re: FVWM: window resize in 2.5.7

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 14:36:59 +0200

On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 08:07:32AM -0400, Ben Winslow wrote:
> Since I could reproduce this, I decided to track it down...
> fvwm is indeed trying to grab the pointer and failing [XBell() at
> functions.c:992 in execute_complex_function], however, it's not because
> of anything Jules has done...
> In ConfigFvwmDefaults, an EWMHActivateWindowFunc function is
> defined--whenever gkrellm is clicked on to be moved (I think GTK2 is
> what's actually causing this to happen), EWMHActivateWindowFunc is
> called, causing this problem.

Which gkrellm version? It doesn't happen with 1.2.10. Anyway,
this is a gkrellm bug:

An application can not expect that the window manager processes
any requests (_NEW_WM_ACTIVE_WINDOW client message in this case)
while the server/pointer/keyboard is grabbed. This should be
fixed in gkrellm. Could someone report this to the developers?


Dominik ^_^ ^_^
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Received on Wed Jul 23 2003 - 07:37:13 BST

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