Re: FVWM: Fvwm 2.5.7 with XDirectFB 1.0

From: Ahmed Fasih <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 03:24:23 -0700 (PDT)

So sorry for not making clearer. Without XDFB, I have
absolutely no problems (sorry if my previous message
made out that it was Fvwm's fault). Both 2.4.14 and
2.5.7 work flawlessly without XDFB, it is only when I
attempt to use it, this problem strikes.

Another related issue (that is also only present with
XDirectFB running) is that my keyboard mappings for
fvwm (for Control, Meta, and Shift) only work for
those buttons on the left side of my keyboard. Their
counterparts on the right side donot function. Again,
this is only present when i use XDFB (I just run
startxdfb instead of startx), which I'd like to know
how to fix.

I will look into the EdgeCommand, thanks. Is there any
other settings or commands that might assist this

Thanks again,


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Received on Wed Jul 16 2003 - 05:25:58 BST

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