Re: FVWM: GNOME2/fvwm integration

From: Olivier Chapuis <>
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2003 08:03:09 +0200

On Sat, Jul 05, 2003 at 10:06:34AM -0400, Tessa Lau wrote:
> I'm installing Debian unstable and the latest GNOME2 desktop on a
> friend's system, and I'm trying to convince him to see the light and
> switch from sawfish to fvwm2. However I'm running into a few bugs with
> the GNOME2 integration. I'm using a freshly built fvwm 2.5.7.
> I switch to fvwm by killing sawfish and running fvwm2, then saving my
> session. The first time after I log out and log back in with fvwm, the
> GNOME menu panel, which is always at the top of the screen, has been
> relocated to the bottom of the screen. The bottom edge panel has been
> relocated to the top of the screen. The menu panel cannot be moved. If
> I move the bottom edge panel down to the bottom of the screen where it
> belongs, it gets hidden behind the menu panel, and is lost forever.

Is this problem occur only the first time you log back?

> If I switch back to sawfish, the next time I log in the panels are in
> the right place.
> A second bug is that when using fvwm, and the workspace applet in the
> GNOME panel, I always have 4 workspaces. I would like to only have one
> workspace. But if I change the number of workspaces in the applet, it
> always gets reset to 4 when I log in again.


EWMHNumberOfDesktops 1 0

to your fvwm config.

Regards, Olivier

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