Re: FVWM: ALT+Mouse1 comfortable resize

From: Gert Brinkmann <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 14:20:27 +0200

Mikhael Goikhman wrote:

> It is not very complicated, you should just divide a window to 9 parts
> (actually 8) somehow and warp the pointer to the nearer border. But there
> may be some unexpected issues.

If implementation of this function is done internally it should work
without warping the mouse pointer. You would do a remote border resize.
(RemoteBorderSize or better NearestBorderResize)

> If you do this, you may add an option to all Resize commands, like
> WarpToBorder, that is respected in interactive resizes.

Is this required? Isn't the resize function normally envoked on the
border anyway?

>>2) by using a configuration function in .fvwmrc. Something like this:
>>AddToFunc MyResize
>># Find the nearest edge or corner of the current window
>># warp the mouse to this edge or corner
>># resize
>># when finished, warp back the mouse cursor to the inital position
>>(maybe moved by the delta-value that you have moved the mouse while

> Theoretically it is possible. You have all information like $[w.x]
> and $[w.width] to pass to your script that evaluates a new pointer
> position. You may even restore the original $[pointer.x] position.

Do I call such a remote script via FvwmEvents or Exec or somehow else?

> The only problem is that CursorMove does not understand absolute
> coordinates for now. I think it is in my todo list (somewhere in the

as you write I do not think that this is a problem. I will know the
start- and endposition of the mouse cursor.

> very bottom). But if you use an external script anyway, you may evaluate
> relative coordinates as well (relative to $[pointer.x]) for CursorMove.

Thank you,


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