FVWM: unrecognized xmodmap setting

From: Norvell Spearman <norvell_at_houseofspearman.org>
Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 23:38:55 -0500


My .xmodmaprc has this in it:

    keycode 115 = Super_L
    keycode 116 = Super_R
    clear mod3
    clear mod4
    add mod3 = Super_L
    add mod4 = Super_R

and in my .fvwm2rc file I have this:

    AddToFunc InitFunction
    + I SetEnv QT_XFT 1
    + I exec xset s off b 50 64 50 r rate 250 32 m 5 10
    + I exec xsetroot -solid grey30
    + I exec gkrellm
    + I Exec xautolock -time 5 \
            -locker "xlock -mode galaxy -nolock -erasedelay 0 -mousemotion"
    + I Exec xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc
    # omitted irrelevant stuff

    Key Super_L A A Menu MenuFvwmRoot

I'm trying to configure fvwm so that my left windoze key will bring up
the main fvwm menu, regardless of the the context. The only way it
works, though, is if I Restart fvwm. If I just start fvwm it doesn't
work and my .xsession-errors file has this at the top:

    [FVWM][ParseBinding]: <<ERROR>> No such key: Super_L

Thanks in advance for any answers to this.

Norvell Spearman
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Received on Thu May 29 2003 - 23:40:24 BST

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