Re: FVWM: Different backgrounds

From: Fabio Stumbo <>
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 19:04:14 +0200 (CEST)

> > 1) am I forced to use png? I have lots of jpgs, so I should convert them.
> > Ok, it is simple and quick, but it is somewhat a waste of space to have
> > two copies of hundreds of pictures...
> I would also like FVWM to support JPG together with PNG, XPM and XBM,
> but I am afraid this is not going to happen until at least 2.7.x.

Ok, we shall wait...

> > 2) Your suggestion has the effect that the background gets changed every
> > hour _since_ I fire up fvwm: what if I want the effect only exactly at the
> > hour (3:00, 4:00, 5:00, and so on...)?
> Well, then you should do some time mathematics.
> Replace the "Schedule 3600000 ChangeRootHourly" line above with:
> PipeRead `perl -MTime::Local -e '_at_t = localtime; $t[0] = $t[1] = 0;
> $t[2]++; printf "Schedule %s ChangeRootHourly\\n", ((timelocal _at_t) -
> time) * 1000'`

Well, I would have never been able to produce such a thing! And, what is
worse, it works!!!

Thank you a lot.

BTW: just for understanding it better: all suggestions, both yours and
Cameron's, work changing the background every time the desktop is
changed, even if the desktop itself didn't change. I tried, for example,

Colorset 1 Pixmap $[HOME]/a.png
Colorset 2 Pixmap $[HOME]/b.png
*FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 0) Colorset 1
*FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 1) Colorset 2

without any other "esotheric" function. It seems to me that it should be
the more simple and correct way to have two different (but fixed!)
backgrounds on different desktops. Yet when I switch desk, the bg get
redrawn every time, and it takes a little time. Not a lot, just half a
second or so, but anyway longer than I expected.
If it is so, it seems to me that there is somewhat a waste of resources.
Or is it not?



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