FVWM: Different backgrounds

From: Fabio Stumbo <f.stumbo_at_unife.it>
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 11:33:36 +0200 (CEST)

Hi all,

I use fvwm2 since 1994 but only now I feel the need to use more than one
desktop... ;-))

My problem is the following: in my current configuration (1 desktop) I
want a background which should be picked up randomly in a directory with
pictures. Moreover, it should change every hour. The only way I have been
able to obtain this is as follows:

my StartFunction contains the line

+ I Exec exec crontab /usr/local/etc/fvwm/cron.dir/hour

the hour file contains


0 * * * * cgbg

cgbg is a script which simply calls

/usr/X11R6/bin/xv -rb black -maxpect -rmode 5
        -random /usr/local/etc/fvwm/bgs/* -quit

(I put it in a separate script so that it can also be called directly,
somewhere else)

I don't know if this is the best way to have the job done but, so far, it
worked, so I didn't feel the need for another solution (but for being
forced to install manually xv, which is no longer included in any
distribution... :-(

Now I use 2 desktops. I realized that my scripts have the effect to put
the same image in the two desktop. What I want now is: on the first
desktop (=0), same behavior as before. On the second desktop (=1), I
would like to have a solid color background, which shouldn't change. I
made some tries with FvwmBacker, but without success, so I am out of
ideas: can anybody help me?

Thank you in advance


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