Re: FVWM: Keybindings and Cygwin/XFree86

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Mon, 05 May 2003 16:10:24 -0400

Marcus Lundblad <> writes:
> At work we decided to dump XWinPro that we have used 'til now to access
> the Linux servers and start to use Cygwin on the local PCs (to lighted the
> burdon on the develop machine).
> So I sacrificed a few hours this evening to get my script-based FVWM
> config working and compiled 2.5.6 (since I use some cutting-edge features,
> such as my vector button pixel offsets :-) ).
> Mostly it works nice (except a lot of programs not present (like
> ROX-filer, but no big deal, an RXVT is sufficent).
> Though the keybindings are not working.
> For example I have:
> Key F1 R N Menu MainMenu
> Key F1 A M Menu MainMenu
> But when I press F1, I get the _built in_ Root menu.


> Also I have Alt+F4 bound to "Close", this is intercepted ny the
> "surrounding" Windows window, and asks if I really want to kill the
> X-Server (I don't).
> Is there some way around this?

Use another key?

Dan Espen                           E-mail:
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Received on Mon May 05 2003 - 15:12:42 BST

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