FVWM: a problem when I compile 2.4.6 on a debian unstable

From: <tzzhang_at_ustc.edu>
Date: 22 Apr 2003 08:02:56 -0000


I want to install the latest vision of fvwm 2.5.6 on my debian system.
My debian is unstable. My problem is that when I config fvwm, it can't
enable xft, in the log, first it can't find fontconfig-config, and
can't find a xft version >= 2.0, but I'm sure that in my system, I've
installed libxft2.0 and fontconfig and the libs.. I don't what's wrong,
how can I solve it..

anybody can help me? thank you!

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Received on Tue Apr 22 2003 - 02:01:00 BST

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