Re: FVWM: Arithmetics?

From: Felix E. Klee <>
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 17:57:27 +0200

On Monday 21 April 2003 14:17, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> > What you showed is preprocessing. As said in my original post, what I'm
> > after is realtime processing where I need several global variables
> > anyways. Concerning readability: I'm not a Perler and for me the code
> > isn't very readable at all. Many FVWM users probably prefer a solution
> > where they can do simple arithmetics without knowing Perl.
> Your original message was about the native support of arithmetics
> (does this include scripting and string manipulation or just 2+2?).

Just 2+2, etc.. It's probably not neccessary to include native arithmetics
since it can easily be done using 3rd party tools. But if there is a lot of
demand I guess it might be easy to add a simple Let command (I'm sure there
are several small C libraries around that allow the avaluation of simple C
like arithmetic expressions). OTOH such a command can also be easily forged
by using Perl or other tools, maybe an example should be added to the FAQ.


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Received on Mon Apr 21 2003 - 10:58:50 BST

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