FVWM: Re: Centering swallowed apps? || What clock, volume control?

From: parv <parv_fm_at_fastmail.fm>
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 01:18:48 -0400

in message <200304192207.14075.felix.klee.fvwm_at_gmx.net>, wrote Felix
E. Klee thusly...
> Currently, I'm using wmmixer and wmclock (those are dockable
> applets for Window Maker).

Me too (only the mixer)...

> However, they are not centered in the corresponding buttons.
> I already tried specifying "-geometry" but that isn't accepted by
> these applets.

Yeah, that way wm* things are hard to work with.

> Therefore my question: Is it possible to center a swallowed app in
> an FvwmButtons button?

I don't know about -Buttons (any option that would specify a button
to be centered), but here wmmixer seems to be centered.

> What swallowable apps do you recommend to use as a volume
> control and clock?

I like wmmixer very much; i tried some others but not any one of
them were any more impressive -- in terms of small binary size
& dependencies, and ease of placement -- than wmmixer itself.

> BTW, xclock doesn't cut it since it doesn't seem to be possible to
> specify the date below the time (linebreaks in the format string
> (%n) don't seem to be interpreted by xclock).

I like analog clocks & watches w/ decent contrast. Rclock is what
i have (not in -Buttons, on its own); i use its title at the bottom
for date. Perhaps some digital display clock would be able to
easily display both date & time in the compressed space.

You can see the rclock in the screenshot on lower left...


  (Those are old pictures; currently i do have wmmixer centered
  inside -Buttons.)

  - parv

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