FVWM: How to not iconify FvwmIconMan?

From: Dennis McGregor <dns_at_internode.on.net>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 22:41:57 +1000

I've exhausted myself on this one and I wonder if someone can point me in the
right direction...

I use SloppyFocus, and I'm prone to zapping FvwmIconMan with my iconify key combo.
I'd very much like to know how I can write this function so that it won't iconify
FvwmIconMan if I happen to be above it when I do the key combo.

I iconify windows by doing:

Key Down A CS Function shade-iconify

I've tried PointerWindow, WindowId... All-ways, IconMan still zipps off to the
This is the func's current state:

DestroyFunc shade-iconify
AddToFunc shade-iconify
 + "I" Current (FvwmIconMan) Break
 + "I" Cond (1) Echo "Still here"
 + "I" WarpToWindow 50 -0
 + "I" WindowShade $0 $[mydirection] # gratuitous, but so purrty ;)
 + "I" Iconify

fvwm --version
fvwm 2.5.6 (from cvs) compiled on Dec 19 2002 at 11:55:02

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