Re: FVWM: Minor FvwmPager bug

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 22:11:22 +0000

On 14 Apr 2003 15:41:44 -0600, Dameron, Gregg wrote:
> The Pager in 2.4.15 appears to have a minor bug.
> If I have a Motif application with MWM_FUNC_MOVE disabled, and the mwm hint
> Style options are in place (no overrides), its miniature in the Pager can
> still be moved by dragging it with mouse button 2. The app window itself
> stays put. A button 2 click on its miniature in the Pager snaps the
> miniature back to its original location.

This is possible to fix, but it is a really minor thing to much worry

> P.S. If it would help, I'd be glad to post the source for a simple mwm hint
> testing program I use.

This is not needed. There is tests/hints/hints_test program in the cvs
that defines all kind of hints (and not just MWM hints).

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