Re: FVWM: a few Q's

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 11:38:50 +0000

On 13 Apr 2003 18:25:29 -0700, Ken Deeter wrote:
> > I do think you'll need to use 2.5 for it, though--I don't think
> > FVWM::Module exists in 2.4.
> Nice. I'll give that a try. The Perl module stuff seems very interesting
> to me... it lets you keep state that the core itself doesnt.. but for me
> it leads to the question, how much of the functionality do you implement
> in the core and how much in perl (or other external module)? Is there a
> philosophy in terms of what goes in and what stays out? Is fvwm going in
> the direction of a sawfish that uses perl but with better primitives?

The Perl module API is just an alternative to the C module API, nothing
else in the terms of philosophy. It is however more usable for scripting,
since it does not require compiler to run.

> Also how is the performance of the perl module?

Usually you may hardly notice a difference between modules written in C
and in Perl, but this depends on what you actually do.

> and can something simliar be done for other languages (ruby?)

No, only perl is supported. Theoretically you may implement the FVWM ruby
library similarly to perllib, but it is a lot of work and you should know
some internal FVWM details to do this. Just use perl.

> > I don't think there's a way to do this, either, but I'd like to see
> > something like it. I often have so many windows on one viewport that
> > it's very difficult to figure out which I'm actually after by the window
> > title alone.
> Perhaps there is some way to do it with the perl stuff..

To reduce you an experimentation time, you can't raise windows while
browsing a native menu, because of the way menus currently work.

You can implement it similarly to how FvwmProxy (the current name in cvs,
will be renamed) does it. Say, by opening a window with a window list.
Possibly using FVWM::Module::Gtk. Maybe this will be an optional
functionality of FvwmWindowMenu (a module that uses perllib) one day.

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