FVWM: eOnlineBookstore Free Publishing Service

From: eOnlineBookstore <announcement_at_eonlinebookstore.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2003 01:36:00 -0700

eOnlineBookstore is dedicated to promote online businesses. We offer internet marketing ebooks at low cost. These ebooks contain proven methods that you can use to start or to further improve your online business. If you are a newsletter or report publisher, we are requesting your permission to publish your dated publication materials for our readers to access. These publications offer valuable information to many marketers who want to gain visibility on product specs, market trends, customer interests, etc. By publishing on our web site, we will provide a link to your home page for users who wish to subscribe to your latest publication. This will increase your web site traffic and bring you new subscribers.

If you are interest in our service, please go to http://www.eonlinebookstore.com/publishing/ and give us your contact info.

To check out our internet marketing ebooks, please go to http://www.eonlinebookstore.com.

If you have questions, please go to http://www.eonlinebookstore.com/contact and submit your questions.

Please do not reply to this email. To unsubscribe, please go to http://www.eonlinebookstore.com/remove and type in your email address.



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Received on Wed Apr 09 2003 - 03:39:19 BST

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