Re: FVWM: Resizing with the keyboard

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2003 00:39:18 +0000

On 04 Apr 2003 19:08:50 +0200, Mario Domg?rgen wrote:
> And the another horrible fvwm-newbie-question ... how to resize a window
> with the keyboard in small steps. I think on "C-KP_End" for making it
> larger to bottom and left and "S-KP_End" for making it smaller. I found
> out how to adjust size in absolute manner but not how to it in small
> steps?!

The best I can think of is:

  Key Home A CM Pick PipeRead `echo Resize $(($[cw.width]-1))p $(($[cw.height]-1))p`
  Key End A CM Pick PipeRead `echo Resize $(($[cw.width]+1))p $(($[cw.height]+1))p`

Works ok for normal applications, but not for xterm or others that define
resize step other than 1. I.e. Ctrl-Alt-Home works, but not Ctrl-Alt-End.
And this only works in 2.5.x, since in 2.4 there are only $[w.width]
variables and Resize has no "frame" parameter.

If you really want to fix this, you may use
`PipeRead ... xwininfo -id $w -size ...` and parse the geometry in client
units, but this is not effective. I would write a simple module in perl.

Probably we need more expanding variables to handle this situation,
like $[w.unitwidth]. Or make Resize handle "keep+1c" syntax.

Of course, you may create separate key bindings for xterm that increment
in +-7 +-13 or similar. See also ResizeMove command.

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Received on Fri Apr 04 2003 - 18:41:00 BST

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