Re: FVWM: How many dekstops and pages are you using?

From: Ben Winslow <>
Date: 13 Mar 2003 18:36:16 -0500

On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 16:08, Gert Brinkmann wrote:
> Hello,
> as configuring fvwm I ask myself which way the desktops and pages are
> set up best:
> 1) One desktop with multiple pages
> 2) Multiple desktops with only one page each
> 3) Multiple desktops with multiple pages each
> How are *you* using these and why?
> Where are the advantages or disadvantages of these possibilities?
> Thanks,
> Gert

I use a single 3x3 desktop at the moment, although I'm meaning to
configure more desktops in a useful fashion and at that point I'd
probably drop to 3x2. I have a short attention span, and as a result I
often have many things strewn about my desktop that I switch between
frequently: xlsclients lists 70 programs right now, some of which have
multiple windows (but most of them are xterms.)

In cases where I'm reading a lot of text at once (www browsing, email,
nntp, openoffice), I like to devote an entire page to an application at
full screen size. I also usually devote an entire page for the gimp,
since it's easiest to keep its windows separate from all the others in
my alt-tab windowlist.

I'm eventually intending to use multiple desktops to help organize what
I'm doing in relation to my trains of thought, e.g. graphic editing on
one desktop, programming on another, and games on another. The only
reason I haven't is because I whipped up a quick configuration about 6
months ago when I switched back to fvwm, and it's been Good Enough that
I haven't taken the time to finish the details.

Ben Winslow <>

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