FVWM: 2.4.x FvwmIconaMan and NoIcon

From: Jan Johansson <janj+fvwm_at_wenf.org>
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2003 15:10:19 +0100


This has changed between 2.4.8 and 2.4.14.

When using 'Style * NoIcon' (or NoIconTitle) iconified windows
no longer show up in FvwmIconMan.

I have tried with 'IconBox none', 'Icon' and also read the
archives of this list since 2.4.8 was released and found no

What is the magic config to show my iconified windows in
FvwmIconMan but not pollute my Desktop?

--- fvwm2rc.m4 ---
Style "*" StickyIcon, NoIcon, MiniIcon mini.x.xpm
*FvwmIconMan*Action Mouse 1 N SendCommand "Iconify Off", SendCommand Focus, SendComman
*FvwmIconMan*PlainButton Flat
*FvwmIconMan*DrawIcons True
*FvwmIconMan*FollowFocus False
*FvwmIconMan*Format "%t"
*FvwmIconMan*SelectButton Up
*FvwmIconMan*Sort Name
--- fvwm2rc.m4 ---

Full config
Source diff for FvwmIconMan between 2.4.8 and 2.4.14

Jan J

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Received on Sun Mar 02 2003 - 08:12:52 GMT

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