Re: FVWM: RedHat 8.0 - invisible menus

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 17:18:32 +0000

On 13 Feb 2003 11:56:49 +0100, Capozza Giovanni wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, Glenn W. Bach wrote:
> > I have tried getting both 2.4.15 and 2.4.6 working on RedHat 8.0, but in
> > both cases, the menus are invisible.
> >
> > My .xsession-errors files contains a large number of errors.
> >
> > Does anybody have any idea what might be causing this? I've tried my old
> > fvwm2rc files and the example ones. I always get the same problem.
> I had the same problem trying to get the 2.4.15 and 2.4.14 on RHL 8.0.

Please be more descriptive. Which problems exactly do you see, transparent
menus? Can you post your configuration and make some screenshots?
This can't have anything to do with ModulePath.

> Apparently seems there is a problem with the Modules installed with the
> above releases; I made both versions working installing the rpm
> packages (and not the source codes) and giving in the .fvwm2rc config
> file the right path of the modules which is
> ModulePath /usr/local/libexec/fvwm/2.4.14/
> PixmapPath /usr/share/icons/mini/
> IconPath /usr/share/icons
> or
> ModulePath /usr/libexec/fvwm/2.4.14/
> PixmapPath /usr/share/icons/mini/
> IconPath /usr/share/icons
> (the first path works with my desktop while the second
> one with the laptop: I have no idea why the same version of fvwm
> installs the Modules in different directories ???)

Do you mean the same rpm install files into different directories on your
machines? This is impossible. Probably you have several fvwm installations
on the same machine. Try "rpm -ql fvwm | less" to see the file locations.

Please, remove your ModulePath line completely. Modules will likely to
function improperly if you have this line in your fvwm2rc. fvwm binary
knows where its modules sit without any additional help.

Please also remove PixmapPath and IconPath lines. Use ImagePath instead.
It is generally a good idea to take a look at your X output, you will see
some error messages about your fvwm2rc.

> I can't change the background color yet (which is black!) !!!!
> Does someone know how to do it ???

Try: "xsetroot -solid darkcyan" or "fvwm-root myimage.xpm".
You may see FVWM FAQ on the web for other suggestions.

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Received on Sun Feb 16 2003 - 11:20:04 GMT

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