FVWM: on the fly binding of key-combo to window

From: Maciej Kalisiak <mac_at_cs.toronto.edu>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 13:05:58 -0500

Windowmaker has this nice feature which I have found very useful in the past.
I'm wondering if it can be somehow achieved using FVWM. (What am I saying?! Of
course it can! But how??)

The basic idea is that the user hits a particular key combo when a desired
window has focus, and this binds on the fly a possibly different combo to
always bring focus back to the window in question. An example will probably
make this clearer: user focuses browser window, presses Alt-Shift-F1; from then
on pressing Alt-F1 will switch the wm to the desk/page of the browser, and give
it focus.

Has anyone implemented anything like this in their .fvwm2rc/fvwm-themes? If
not, any suggestions on a general strategy to achieve this?

Maciej Kalisiak       mac "at" dgp.toronto.edu       www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac
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