Re: FVWM: can I start FVWM without mouse device?

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 10:28:34 +0100

On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 07:00:30AM -0000, terry_z wrote:
> hi there.
> I have a problem.
> can I start the X without mouse device?

Yes, you can. It will be difficult to use some applications, but
fvwm does quite a good job without the mouse.

The mouse can also be emulated with the keyboard, but it is tricky
to set it up. See question 3.5 in the fvwm FAQ. If you have
trouble setting it up, I can post the relevant parts of my config.

Next, you will want to be able to change the keyboard focus
without the mouse. I have this in my config file:

  Style * SloppyFocus

  Key Left A M Direction West (!Iconic, CurrentPage) RaiseAndWarp
  Key Right A M Direction East (!Iconic, CurrentPage) RaiseAndWarp
  Key Up A M Direction North (!Iconic, CurrentPage) RaiseAndWarp
  Key Down A M Direction South (!Iconic, CurrentPage) RaiseAndWarp

  AddToFunc RaiseAndWarp
  + I Raise
  + I WarpToWindow $[cw.width]p $[cw.height]p

But you may be better off using ClickToFocus. Use

  Style * ClickToFocus

instead of SloppyFocus and replace the "WarpToWindow" with

  AddToFunc ...
  + I Raise
  + I Focus

With this, you can press Alt-<sursor key> to change focus to the
next window in the direction you pressed.

Additionally it may be a good idea to bind pointer movement to

  Key Left A SC CursorMove -1p 0
  Key Right A SC CursorMove +1p +0
  Key Up A SC CursorMove +0 -1p
  Key Down A SC CursorMove +0 +1p

Shift+Control+<cursor key>: move cursor by one pixel.

  Key Left A CM CursorMove -1 0
  Key Right A CM CursorMove 1 0
  Key Up A CM Cursormove 0 -1
  Key Down A CM Cursormove 0 1

Alt+Control+<cursor key>: move cursor by one percent of page size.

If you do not even want the pointer, I guess all you have to do is
to remove the line

  InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"

from the ServerLayout section in the XF86Config file. On my
system it is found in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. But I don't
recommend this as you will be in trouble should you ever encounter
an application that requires the mouse for input.

Finally, you may want to try the "unclutter" program (no idea
where to get it). It hides the mouse pointer after a configurable
time of inactivity.


Dominik ^_^ ^_^
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