Re: FVWM: fvwm beautiful?

From: Tenebrae <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 09:52:50 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, Gert Brinkmann wrote:

> i am an icewm user, but took a look to fvwm now. It is very impressing
> what can be configured in fvwm. It seems that nearly everything is
> possible. But this also is my problem. I do not dare to try fvwm because
> it seems to be very much work to make it behave and look, like i want.
> (Also i have to think deeply about what i want it to look like. btw.:
> why are you using fvwm? What is the most important function/behaviour in
> fvwm for you?)

I am using FVWM because:
a) it was the first wm that I got help with - a sysadmin where I worked
loaned me his dot file.
b) it doesn't take up a lot of resources. Enlightenment looks gorgeous
out of the box, but it wouldn't run very effectively on my system. If I
wanted bloat, I'd use Windows XP.
c) There is this wonderful friendly mailing list to get help!
d) Even now that I have a better system, I still am using FVWM because I'd
rather use my system's resources on doing stuff rather than pretty ripple
effects or whatever.
e) I have a pretty good understanding of the easily-editable-in-vi config
file now.

> But why isn't there a good default-Look of fvwm that one can start with
> to experiment? I think many users who see fvwm for the first time say
> "looks like crap" and choose another window manager. IMHO fvwm could be
> a much more often used wm if it looked more friendly for a new user.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! What looks good to you may not look
good to me.
Besides, it's kinda like some of the outfits I wear to a club sometimes.
I look so good, but I can't move. :/ What fun is that?

> OK. Is there e.g. an icewm like configuration for the current stable
> fvwm version that i could try to start with?

Probably, somewhere.
Have you looked at the screenshots at I think my dot file
is up there with my config as are several others.
I love example dot files.
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