Re: FVWM: extra windows lowered when main window lowered; how to restore old behavior?fvwm

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 07:05:28 +0100

On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 11:10:25PM -0500, Daniel Barclay wrote:
> Somewhere between the FVWM versions in Debian GNU/Linux versions slink and woody, FVWM developed the annoying habit of lowering and raising
> windows beyond the one I requested it to lower or raise.
> For example, in PilotManager, when I start a synchronization operation,
> PilotManager pops up a small status window. I want to lower the main
> window but leave the small status window visible (i.e., not lower it).
> I used to be able to do that just fine, but now when I try to lower the
> main window, FVWM apparently lowers the small status window also.
> (I don't know for sure that this is FVWM, but several different
> applications' windows seem to have changed this behavior when I upgraded
> from Debian slink to Debian woody, so it seems to be FVWM.)
> How do I turn off this excessive lowering (and similar raising)?

Put this in your config file:

  Style * DontLowerTransient, DontRaiseTransient, DontStackTransientParent


Dominik ^_^ ^_^
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Received on Mon Jan 13 2003 - 00:05:25 GMT

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