Re: FVWM: RE: Notification: incoming/977

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 06:59:07 +0100

On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 06:59:35AM -0800, EXT-Wilson, William A wrote:
> Dan,
> Attached is a tarball with a sample program. I have included stripped down
> versions of the two files which are required and a tc.m which will make it.
> The g_plot file normally resides in
> ~/app-defaults/g_plot. The part of the code which I suspect is not working
> correctly with fvwm is:
> /*
> * Turn on backing Store & Save Under
> */
> if (strcmp(expose,"SERVER") == 0) {
> attrib.backing_store = Always;
> attrib.save_under = True;
> }
> else {
> attrib.backing_store = NotUseful;
> attrib.save_under = False;
> }
> XChangeWindowAttributes(screen[snum].G_plot_disp,screen[snum].G_plot_win,
> CWBackingStore | CWSaveUnder,&attrib);
> which is in x11_gplot.c. This code (which I don't understand was coded a
> long time ago for a Sun based sonar system which used a Techsource display
> VME card. Things have changed over the years and we keep tinkering with the
> plot package to make it work. Using fvwm delivered with Red Hat 7.2 (maybe
> 7.3) everything was OK. You could minimize a g_plot window and bring it
> back and you could cover it up with another window and it would restore.
> Now, when you bring it back, the covered area is black. The only part that
> comes back is the border and the window title "Gplot Graphics ...".
> Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.

Is there any chnace that gplot thinks that backing store is used
when it sets "attrib.backing_store = Always;"? Can you check if
gplot checks whether backing store is supported by the X server?
I have heard something about newer XFree releases no longer
supporting backing store, but that may not be true.


Dominik ^_^ ^_^
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