Re: FVWM: restricting oversize windows

From: wang yin <>
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2003 09:45:21 +0800

On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 12:46:00PM -0800, Perry Hutchison wrote:
> Is it possible to configure 2.2.4 to restrict windows to the size of
> the screen, even if -geometry requests larger?
I can restrict the size of any windows to half the screen size with a

Style mywindow MaxWindowSize 50 50

I'm using 2.5.4. I don't know if it works for 2.2.4.
> Motivation: I want an xterm just tall enough to display an entire
> file, but no taller than the screen. This:
> xterm -geometry "80x`wc -l < $f | tr -d ' '`" +sb -sl 0 -e less $f
> gets the file length almost right -- it's off by one line because it
> doesn't allow for the "less" command/status line at the bottom -- but
> if the file is longer than 89 lines the window doesn't fit on the
> screen. I could write a more complicated script, except that there's
> no immediately-obvious way for a script to determine the maximum line
> count for whatever display it might happen to be running on.
You can use a smaller font :)
> --
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Wang Yin
DA Lab, Tsinghua University,
Beijing China
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Received on Fri Jan 03 2003 - 19:39:31 GMT

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