Re: FVWM: Raise/Move not working from menu or keypress

From: Rob Windsor <>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 06:57:28 -0600

On Thu, 19 Dec 2002 10:46:59 +0100, verily did Dominik Vogt write:

>>> I think this is wrong.
>>> "M" stands for motion, yes, but I think you need a click to define
>>> the beginning of the motion.

>> It didn't used to be this way ("M" requiring a click). <insert
>> standard "I liked the old way better" whine here.>

> Well, if this used to work in 2.2.x as you claim, it was a bug in
> 2.2.x. Obviously, anything but "I" makes zero sense in keyboard
> bindings, and relying on it to work in a certain way is relying on
> unspecified behaviour.

It's been working like this since 1.22.

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