FVWM: Image Button Changing

From: Isaque Galdino de Araujo <isaque_at_uol.com.br>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 21:04:38 -0200

Hi guys, this is my first post, altought I am an old fvwm user, and I am trying figure out how to configure a button to change its image when Shade is changed too.
I am using:
Style "*" MWMFunctions, MWMDecor
ButtonStyle 4 ActiveUp (Pixmap shadeup-activeup.xpm -- Flat) \
              ActiveDown (Pixmap shadeup-activedown.xpm -- Flat) \
              Inactive (Pixmap shadeup-inactive.xpm -- Flat) \
              ToggledActiveUp (Pixmap shadedown-activeup.xpm -- Flat) \
              ToggledActiveDown (Pixmap shadedown-activedown.xpm -- Flat) \
              ToggledInactive (Pixmap shadedown-inactive.xpm -- Flat)
Mouse 0 4 A WindowShade

So..., any clue?

Isaque Galdino de Araujo             Slackware, Agenda VR3, Vim and Cygwin user.
http://sites.uol.com.br/isaque                        Java and C/C++ programmer.
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Received on Mon Dec 16 2002 - 17:06:29 GMT

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