Re: FVWM: `Exec exec foo' v. `Exec foo'

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 10:29:34 +0100

On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 01:04:58PM -0600, Norvell Spearman wrote:
> fvwm-2.5.4
> I've noticed when I put something like `Exec exec xterm' in my .fvwm2rc
> file, I lose colorization of file types (`set' shows LS_COLORS to have
> no value. If I use just `Exec xterm' all the colors are there (`set'
> shows LS_COLORS with all its regular values) but then I wonder about
> what's in the fvwm man page:
> ``Without that [the added `exec'], the shell that fvwm invokes to run your
> command stays until the command exits. In effect, you'll have twice as
> many processes running as you need. Note that some shells are smart
> enough to avoid this, but it never hurts to include the "exec" anyway.''
> The shell I use is /bin/bash. That shows up when I type `env' and I set
> it explicitly with the ExecUseShell command near the top of my .fvwm2rc.
> When I do a `ps -ax' both with and without the `exec', I see two
> processes: one for xterm and one for /bin/bash (Does this also explain
> why iconifying one xterm window sometimes causes FvwmEvent to play two
> quasi-synchonous sounds?). According to the man page, should there not
> be only one process when using `Exec exec xterm' or is my bash
> configuration possibly broken in some way?

The man page exaggerates a bit. Without "exec", the xterm is
started as a separate process, whereas with "exec" it replaces the
*parent* shell:

  Without exec:

        bash (client app)

  With exec:

    xterm (replaces original bash)
      bash (client app)


Dominik ^_^ ^_^
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