Re: FVWM: FvwmTaskBar Action decoding

From: Kyle <>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 09:56:25 -0700

Mikhael Goikhman wrote:

>On 12 Nov 2002 09:02:42 -0700, Kyle wrote:
>>In FvwmTaskBar, does it decode double clicks on buttons? The manual
>>says "supported actions are: Click1, Click2, Click3 and so on," but I'm
>>not sure what the "so on" is. Are there other actions besides the three
>>single clicks?
>>I'm trying to do this:
>>*FvwmTaskBar: Action Double1 Iconify
>You may play with complex functions that have "M", "C" and "D", then you
>may get double and triple clicks... Hovewer you should understand that the
>first click is handled by FvwmTaksBar and the following ones are by fvwm.
Hmm, I tried:

DestroyFunc Deiconify-Focus-Raise-or-Iconify
AddToFunc Deiconify-Focus-Raise-or-Iconify
+ I Iconify off
+ I Focus
+ I Raise
+ D Iconify on

*FvwmTaskBar: Action Click1 Deiconify-Focus-Raise-or-Iconify

and fvwm locks up hard (except I still have cursor motion). It appears
that if I add any kind of context other than "I", fvwm locks up, even if
the action is a Nop.


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Received on Wed Nov 13 2002 - 13:56:21 GMT

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