Re: FVWM: fighting back against splash screens

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 13:43:38 -0400

Mikhael Goikhman <> writes:
> On 26 Oct 2002 12:03:37 -0400, Daniel Barclay wrote:
> >
> > Where in the documentation should I look for information on how
> > to tell FVWM to ignore requests from splash screen windows to
> > suppress normal window-manager decoration?
> This depends on how such splash screen is implemented.
> If it just sets window manager hints, it is possible to ignore them
> (different hints require different Style options).
> If it is an Override Redirect window, you probably can't do very much.
> The output of 'xwininfo -all' usually tells something useful about
> such splash window.

Run "strings" on the binary, look for things like "nologo",
"splash", "banner", etc. Perhaps theres an option to suppress it.

Other than that, splash screens are often associated with commercial
products. Ironically, you pay for the product, and they decide
that you are a target for their advertising.

Complain to the vendor.

Dan Espen                           E-mail:
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Received on Sat Oct 26 2002 - 12:46:23 BST

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