FVWM: Window positioning

From: rahul kalaskar <rkalaskar_at_aethon.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 15:46:40 -0400

Hi all,

I am using Style "MyGUI*" Desk 1in my system.fvwm2.rc to start my
Tck/Tk application on desk 1. The UI is about 800x600 in size. I want to
postion it at the center of the screen which is of size 1024x768. By
default the application window always with (0,0) as its left top
corner. How do I specify the (x,y) postion of its left top corner? My
application doesnot provide the geometry option. I would like fvwm to
launch all windows of name "MyGUI" at a specfic place ?

Thanks in advance for any tip.


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