Re: FVWM: Transient Flicker

From: Tim Freedom <>
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 11:43:07 -0700 (PDT)

--- Dominik Vogt wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 15, 2002 at 01:50:24PM -0700, Tim Freedom wrote:
> > With both snap-20021010 and snap-20021015 I've noticed that transients
> > (well netscape's "Open Page" -- CTRL-O specifically) seems to flicker
> > badly (twice I think) upon bring-up. There were no changes to the
> > .fvwm2rc file, the only mention of anything related to transients is,
> >
> > Style "*" MouseFocus, GrabFocusTransient
> > Style "*" MWMFunctions, MWMDecor
> > Style "*" Color White/DimGray, WindowListSkip, NoHandles,
> > DecorateTransient, BorderWidth 3
> >
> > Where there any changes in that realm or am I doing something wrong ?
> Yes, there were changes. I can't say much about that without
> * Knowing the exact netscape release.
> * A more precise description of "flickering".

I'm using Netscape-4.75 (I know its archaic) on a,

  uname -a: SunOS pez 5.7 Generic_106541-08 sun4u

In terms of this flickering (and it happens on all transient windows,
ALT-F (netscape's find) does it as well); the window pops-up and gets
raised and focused, then it seems as though it attempts to raise itself
one more time which end-up looking as though its a flicker. In essence,
it redraws itself twice before becoming available. Hope that helps.
Let me know if you want me to run any debug code.

> Just out of curiosity: why do you set the WIndowListSkip style on
> *all* windows? That seems pretty useless.

I use FvwmWinList (reminds me of my old tvtwm days :-) and would only
like to list xterms (and alike) and so I also have the following entries
in my .fvwm2rc file

  Style "xterm" Color white/gray64, NoIcon, WindowListHit
  Style "rxvt" Color white/gray64, NoIcon, WindowListHit
  Style "mlterm" Color white/gray64, NoIcon, WindowListHit
  Style "emacs" NoIcon, WindowListHit

Thanks (do please CC)

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