FVWM: Iconifying Eterms / Default Eterm Style

From: Ed Powers <ed_at_gtemail.net>
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 01:55:25 +0500


I've been working with iconbox to have my icons be arranged in a certain location of my screen(s) and have had quite a bit of success.

However, I've noticed that my Eterm's (and only my Eterm's at least thus far) do not iconify properly - they completely ignore the iconbox set up. Upon further investigation I found that the Eterm's do not adhere to the:

  style "*" icon "window.xpm"

line that I have.

So, my guess is iconbox is ignoring them because they don't even *have* an icon. It seems, however, that only the "icon" option of style is broken. The Eterms do correctly inherit border, handles, etc from the default style "*" config lines.

For grins, even though I don't want to do it this way, I tried to run an Eterm and specifying the icon with (I really want FVWM to handle this):

  Eterm -name foo


  Eterm -title foo

And then, even with:

  style "foo" icon "bar.xpm"

No icon, and (I think hence) no dice with iconbox.

Any info or pointers stating why Eterm is not picking up the icon from my style "*" line would be great.

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Received on Sat Oct 12 2002 - 15:56:54 BST

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