Re: FVWM: fvwm is drawing phantom windows

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2002 23:52:02 +0200

On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 01:33:16PM -0400, Victor Eijkhout wrote:
> Sometimes if i switch from one desktop to another, fvwm (2.4.8-3)
> drawn a window there that belonged on the previous desktop. I can
> bring this window to the foreground, after which no other window can
> be put on top of it, but I can not type in it, or move it, or click
> any of its title bar buttons. Restarting fvwm doesn't make this
> window go away, so I need to exit and restart the server.

* Does that happen to any windows or only to the windows of a
  specific application? Since the window doesn't die during a
  restart hints at a window that wasn't created by fvwm.
* What info does FvwmIdent diplay about such windows?
* What does "xwininfo -tree" say?

> Anyone seen anything like this? This behaviour started only recently,
> but its onset does not coincide with any upgrade/mod to my system
> that I know of.


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

Dominik Vogt,
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Received on Sat Oct 05 2002 - 18:16:50 BST

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