re: FVWM: remote mozilla

From: elliot sowadsky <>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 14:52:28 -0700 (PDT)

> I'm running mozilla remotely and i find that not long after it's been
> running, it takes longer and longer for mozilla to give control back to
> fvwm. Is there anyting i can set to prevent mozilla from blocking fvwm from
> doing its thing?

< I tried Mozilla 1.1 from Linux to Linux over a cable modem for
about 10 minutes.

It gets slower over hours.

< I'm not sure what you mean about giving control back to Fvwm.

W/ mozilla last having focus, operating on a window (Iconify, Back, etc),
opening a menu or giving focus to another window. It starts taking longer
and longer from mouse/key click till the operation happens....and in the
meantime, everything is frozen (tho the mouse moves and the pending clicks
are buffered and eventually happen).
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