FVWM: Changing titlebar buttons based on window state?

From: Len Philpot <len_at_philpot.org>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 21:28:39 -0500

I have the following defined in my .fvwm2rc :

Mouse 0 1 A Menu Window-Ops2 Close
Mouse 0 2 A Close
Mouse 0 4 A Maximize
Mouse 0 6 A Iconify

# lightning bolt - system menu
ButtonStyle 1 8 35x15_at_1 20x50_at_1 40x50_at_0 30x80_at_1 75x40_at_0 50x40_at_1 75x15_at_0 35x15_at_1
# x - Close
ButtonStyle 2 17 20x20_at_1 30x20_at_1 50x40_at_1 70x20_at_1 80x20_at_1 80x30_at_0 60x50_at_0 80x70_at_1 80x80_at_0 70x80_at_0 50x60_at_0 30x80_at_0 20x80_at_0 20x70_at_0 40x50_at_1 20x30_at_0 20x20_at_1
# downward triangle - minimize
ButtonStyle 6 4 50x75_at_1 25x25_at_1 75x25_at_1 50x75_at_0
# large square - maximize
ButtonStyle 4 5 25x25_at_1 25x75_at_1 75x75_at_0 75x25_at_0 25x25_at_1
# small square - restore
#ButtonStyle 4 5 40x40_at_1 60x40_at_1 60x60_at_0 40x60_at_0 40x40_at_1

(swiped straight from the website and sample files, obviously)

What I want to do is use the small square for button 4 if the window is
fullscreen and the large square if it's neither fullscreen nor
iconified. I feel certain this is in the man pages somewhere, but I've
yet to come across it. I have no idea how to approach this.

I'd still like to work on (which may or may not be doable) :

* How to make windows resizable by dragging on the borders, in
  addition to the corner handles (and disabling moving via borders)

* How to make a window truly maximize, rather than stop a few pixels
  short of fullscreen; a nice touch would be to make it _really_
  maximize, with no border showing and no movement possible while

* How to either get FvwmTaskBar to swallow FvwmPager, or remove the
  border from FvwmPager (there is also some difficulty in getting focus
  to return to a window after using the pager)

* How to remove the biff applet and clock from FvwmTaskBar

* How to remove the title and geometry info from the WindowList menu but
  still have it pop up centered on the screen

* How to prevent the menu selection from automatically following the
  mouse pointer and vice-versa

* How to get vector buttons to appear in a different color than the

* How to make the handles thicker than the border

...but I'll work on these personal preferences as time allows. :)

Thanks for any advice on my first (real) question. Any input on the
subsequent wish list is appreciated (particularly if something is known
not possible).

|  Len Philpot       ><>         http://philpot.org/  |
|  len_at_philpot.org     len_philpot_at_hotmail.com (alt)  |
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