FVWM: IconMan problem

From: Graham Gough <graham_at_cs.man.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 13:03:43 +0100

I have recently switched from 2-2.5 to 2.5.2, since when I have
noticed a new, intermittent problem with my icon managers. They
normally display with sunken lines separating each item, but the lines
sometimes disappear, leaving a plain grey rectangle containing the
window names. This happens in both horizontal and vertical
managers. Obviously this isn't a serious bug, but it is mildly
irritating. I include my settings below, which I haven't changed since
my upgrade.


Style "Fvwm*" Icon toolbox.xpm,NoTitle,NoHandles,Sticky
Style "FvwmIconMan" HandleWidth 5, Handles, BorderWidth 5
*FvwmIconMan*numManagers 2
*FvwmIconMan*Resolution desk
*FvwmIconMan*background SeaShell3
*FvwmIconMan*foreground black
*FvwmIconMan*font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmIconMan*action Mouse 1 N sendcommand Focus-and-Iconify
*FvwmIconMan*action Mouse 2 N sendcommand Iconify
*FvwmIconMan*action Mouse 3 N sendcommand "Module FvwmIdent FvwmIdent"
*FvwmIconMan*followfocus false
*FvwmIconMan*sort name
*FvwmIconMan*plainbutton up black SeaShell3
*FvwmIconMan*selectbutton down black RosyBrown3
*FvwmIconMan*focusbutton up black RosyBrown3
*FvwmIconMan*focusandselectButton down black RosyBrown3
*FvwmIconMan*format %t
*FvwmIconMan*shape true
*FvwmIconMan*usewinlist true
*FvwmIconMan*titlebutton sunkedge
*FvwmIconMan*1*title "Emacs and Netscape windows"
*FvwmIconMan*1*buttongeometry 180x0
*FvwmIconMan*1*managergeometry 1x0-5+90
*FvwmIconMan*1*show resource=emacs* class=AcroRead class=Netscape title=*Communicator* class=opera*
*FvwmIconMan*1*dontshow title="Emacs and Browser windows"
*FvwmIconMan*2*title "Xterms"
*FvwmIconMan*buttongeometry 120x0
*FvwmIconMan*2*show resource=xterm resource=Terminal
*FvwmIconMan*2*dontshow title=minicom
*FvwmIconMan*2*managergeometry 3x0+400+5
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Received on Mon Sep 02 2002 - 07:04:29 BST

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