FVWM: Re: .fvwm2rc syntax guide?

From: Len Philpot <len_at_philpot.org>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 19:23:00 -0500

(My apologies if this reply is quoted wrong or inaccurate - I was a bit
careless with a 'd$' in mutt... Must've had the wrong message selected,
so I had to go to the web archive and paste it back in here to reply)

>You are adding the position hint to the wrong command. It only
>works with the "Menu" and "Popup" commands. This is because it's
>a parameter of a specific menu invocation, not of the menu as a
>whole. Try this instead:
> *FvwmTaskBarStartMenu RootMenu root +0p o100-25p SelectInPlace
>FvwmTaskBar passes the whole string with "Menu" prepended to fvwm.
>It's really not the most intuitive syntax I could make up.

That works great - Thanks. Well...actually, I changed the 25 to 21,
but... :)

>That's mostly a relic of the "fvwm" menu style. I never
>understood why it had to be so annoying, but we never changed it
>fpr backward compatibility. The first menu style everybody may
>want to use is
> MenuStyle * mwm
>which corrects most of the funny behaviour.

Once again - It's not so much that I find it "actively" annoying, but
rather just a matter of personal preference.

>You're welcome. I know the documentation isn't good for
>beginners. As someone else pointed out, being a developer
>disqualifies me for writing a tutorial. That again brings us back
>to the issue that we need a volunteer to write and maintain such a

|  Len Philpot       ><>         http://philpot.org/  |
|  len_at_philpot.org     len_philpot_at_hotmail.com (alt)  |
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Received on Tue Aug 27 2002 - 19:24:23 BST

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