Re: FVWM: Hide PagerDisplay in FvwmPager

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 22:03:30 +0000

On 26 Aug 2002 22:47:03 +0200, Niklas Matthies wrote:
> Short version: I'd like FvwmPager to _not_ draw its own PagerDisplay
> window in the pager view. Is there a way to achieve this?
> I'm using fvwm 2.4.8. from the Debian distribution.
> Long version: I use a large grid of desks and like to see them all at
> once in the pager when navigating between desks, hence the pager view is
> quite big, practically fuillscreen. Normally, I have the PagerDisplay
> iconified, effectively hidden since I don't display icons, and deiconify
> it (and make it topmost) on demand via a hotkey for navigation. I then
> navigate using Alt+cursor-keys, the PagerDisplay being sticky hence
> remaining on-screen. Unfortunately, in the pager view, the PagerDisplay
> window then always obscures the current desk. This is a bit annoying,
> somewhat as if the text cursor in a text editor would always obscure the
> current character under the cursor. Since there isn't much use anyway
> for the PagerDisplay window to be present in the pager view, I'd like to
> get rid of it there.

You can't do this in 2.4.8.

In 2.5.x, use:

  *FvwmPager: UseSkipList

Then all WindowListSkip windows are not shown in the pager, like:

  Style FvwmPager WindowListSkip

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Received on Mon Aug 26 2002 - 17:04:41 BST

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