FVWM: Re: bugs

From: Sergey Babkin <sergey_at_caldera.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 14:20:08 -0400

Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > Fixing all the copies of Tk out there is also not really an option.
> Anyway, we can't go about introducing bug after bug in fvwm just
> to cope with Tk which is totally broken in many aspects of window

Why would it be a bug in fvwm ?

> > In
> > this I would argue that the principle similar to IETF's "adhere to the
> > standards as closely as possible in your outputs but accept as wide variety
> > of inputs as possible" should apply to the window managers as well. And
> > seeing the focus change on mouse movement while I specifically selected
> > the focus mode that disables that looks wrong too.
> The standard is that the WM can do with the focus whatever it
> likes if the application fails to use the WM_TAKES_FOCUS protocol.

Correct. And it would be nice if it liked to handle even those applications
> > Basically, what I would like to know is whether this happened occasionally
> > or was done by design ? If it was done occasionally, I may be able
> > to find out the reason and provide a fix. If it was done by design,
> > I suppose the fvwm project would not be interested in this fix.
> It's not a fix because nothing is broken except the application.

What if we call it a "feature" ?


Sergey Babkin                             sergey_at_caldera.com
Escalations Research Group, Caldera - NJ  (908)790-2385
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Received on Thu Aug 22 2002 - 13:21:33 BST

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