Re: FVWM: simple question: how execute xterm and then a script?

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 22:37:43 +0000

On 18 Aug 2002 06:20:23 +0000, Bruce M Beach wrote:
> Along these lines how would some one start multiple applications?
> Consider:
> AddToMenu Tails "Tails " Title
> + "Messages" exec xterm -fn 7x13bold -T \
> messages -fg white -bg black -j -rw -aw +sf -sl 200 -sb -e \
> tail -f /var/log/messages
> I have 5 or 6 tails that I bring up and sometimes I would like
> to bring up different groups of them. I tried
> + "All" Exec exec xterm -fn 7x13bold -T \
> Messages -fg white -bg black -j -rw -aw +sf -sl 200 -sb -e \
> tail -f /var/log/messages &; \
> xterm -fn 7x13bold -T \
> Syslog -fg white -bg black -j -rw -aw +sf -sl 200 -sb -e \
> tail -f /var/log/syslog &
> I thought the ';' would work.

Here you should remove "exec":

  Exec xterm &; xterm &; xterm &

The last & is optional, but I would leave it for symmetry.

If you use shell controls like ";", "&", "()", "|", where a shell should
spawn additional processes, you should do this in "Exec" not "Exec exec".

Another solutions to your problem are: instead of writting several shell
commands in one line, create a small shell script and call it, or create
a function with multiple "Exec exec" commands.

> By the way I have a very unusual problem with fvwm-2.5.2. It just
> occurred while I was writing this email. And its this kind of problem.
> Intermittent, (i.e. occurs every couple of days.) It seem to occur under
> heavy load, and perhaps is connected with a large amount of output to an
> xterm. What happens is that the output to the xterm freezes, until I
> bring the mouse into the xterm (FocusFollowsMouse) then every everything
> is back to normal. This time was unusual because I happened to have
> 'top' running. The processors were about 75% usage (say), the output
> stopped in an xterm and the processors wentt o to 100.0% idle, (I was
> doing a series of builds) I typed this letter for a while and finally
> moved the mouse into the xterm. The builds started up again and the
> processors went back to 75% usage again. What I didn't do, I'm sorry to
> say was type 'ps x' to see what it said. I know that fvwm-2.5.2 is
> development, but I need to use it because it fixes some serious problems
> that occurred with an upgrade to xwindows 4.2 fvwm-2.5.2 seems to work
> fine anyway. I haven't been on the site for a while to see what the
> latest is.

Try to narrow the problem and make it reproducible, so that others can see
this too.


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